The Phony Pullout From Afghanistan

By Eric Margolis

Those wondering what lies in store for Afghanistan need only look at the way the British Empire ruled Iraq in the 1920’s. As Shakespeare wrote, “what is past is prologue.” Imperial Britain created the state of Iraq after World War I to secure Mesopotamia’s vast oil deposits that had become vital for the Royal Navy. To control this artificial nation seething with unrest, Britain imposed a puppet king, Faisal, and created a native army commanded by British officers.

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American Auction in Afghanistan

Auction . . . . . Auction in Afghanistan! . . . . . Ton for only 200 dollars . . . . . parts of tanks . . . . . pieces of helicopters . . . . . old pantaloons and uniforms . . . . . torn boots and half burnt magazine-belts . . . . . broken guns . . . . . engines of vehicles and tanks and their spare parts . . . . . generators . . . . . tents and wooden rooms . . . . . military beds, wheel-chairs and other various kinds of American military equipment . . . . .

If you have money, do not waste time . . . . . everything is sold at the price of waste-metal . . . . . come and buy original American equipment . . . . . Auction . . . . . Auction!, Author of the article further explains:

– It is not an imaginary tale rather it is a true story of the decline of American. Here, the destroyed and torn apart equipment of American military forces are auctioned quite similar to the destruction and auction of the arsenal of the former Soviet Union army just two decades ago. Continue reading